Saturday, March 26, 2011

Indian Acctress Pusing Boobs

One day back in your eyes

Alexander Sheversky

one day return to your eyes
and start all over again
back with a hollow metal sound
and wet sun
seek among the papers of the time
your body and your hair green grape
will crown you with my mouth silent
and my hands do not end
back for you and your blood Starry
spend the afternoon watching as a former shadow
something will break up there and not us
suddenly something will burn with the echo of your sheets
And again more alive, more pure, more hungry
and return
feathers flying and tearing
do everything for you, all in silence
even the roosters will prolong the night
when they see you naked.

  • Mario Meléndez

Friday, March 25, 2011

Oictures Of A Plantar Wart Dying


I wondered, more than once if he had any sense to keep my windows open and, if they really had something interesting to say minimally. The answer has always been bleak. Even in the initial moments on the blog "Humor, and poetry society" turned the premises so foolishly promised the title.
Humor. Yes, I promised humor and even invented a collaborator who would tell their bizarre experiences. Le got a name but gave him little chance. That partner, was not the hit and also to cap everyone takes her seriously. Quietly left the initiative.
The social issues, important, never leave them and it was easy to take them to my space, tracked by newspapers and magazines and made translations from Italian, English and even French! is already high for the few that are my knowledge. Believed contributed to the fight against climate change and other such outlandish ideas ... and as for the poetry, as a veil. For me it is a pleasure that's the truth. Clear that I like for me to be able to do something in a medium quality, there is a long way.
Because of a change in the email, I could not reuse this space and had to change its name. I took the opportunity to leave some claims and into the lighter touch. I opened my first my space "The two-headed turtle" so that two heads are better than to think with one. Actually, I feel something missing. Any song I play has been presented by a professional. My personal life has no more than small adventures, the most innocent. Nor can anyone interested. Would not it be better to save the energy consumption when I start my computer? What is the sense that I strive to contribute to contamination of the planet with my words and pictures? But the worst is that I have not managed to give me a definitive response, as would be:
- Look, dear, you're doing nonsense and, frankly, at your age, it is not rational continue on this path. What's so green roll? One thing to preach, another to the point.
Yes, yes, but ... I like to get in touch with others who also have blogs, which talk about what they like, or what they hurt or worried or they are really fun and creative and silly. So, as if it were a computer, restart . Yes, I apologize for the silly things that I will continue breeding.

Text and images made by IFranziska
Alcalá de Henares, March 25, 2011

Monday, March 21, 2011

Cleaning After Bowel Movement

Old things

Steil, Chat noir

As everyone - or almost nobody, I fear the signs and omens, yet still good. As almost anyone say that I prefer the uncertainties (not true). I fear the numbers, the entrails of chickens, the sign of the lion and the hand lines, coffee grounds or tea, runes on stones, dreams and letters. No black cats, like everyone else: those not afraid.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Lakme Eye Shadow Price In India

Asthma is love

Jianjie Xing

More than I love A the A
of asthma, and I choke
your not air, open up my only anchored high
there is no good
wooden plane on which you lie with
glass and cliffs especially in those tables, in
those which are not, your slender
is gone, your great
beautiful feet, your spine
of mare of Pharaoh, and it is so difficult
this breath, you understand me
: asthma
is love.

  • Gonzalo Rojas

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Diy Ideas For Clothes

2009/Ohne 4 Gespielt Drei/"A 40"

I can surely say that this album will leave a satisfied over. There is little data that can bring about Ohne 4 Gespielt Drei , beyond reporting that they are a German trio consisting of two saxophones, drums and a deformed modern experimental jazz. A 40 is his second and latest studio production. Curiously, it is the battery
who goes to the makeshift road, and instead the two saxophones produce a calculated series of melodies, harsh atonality and careful counterpoint through technical amazed. The casual quality alone executive reaffirmed the performers, but are not used in a way overloaded, but pride and even academic.
The consistency of the brilliant arrangements and delicate score is something that is very enjoyable in this ambitious album, which at times may remind some of the thousands of RIO bands where they put the sax.
Another detail to applaud interminente is the use of complementary instruments: the clarinet and the melodic occupy a prominent place in A 40.
Without further ado, I invite you to download this, especially those who have been enjoying the contributions of jazz.

(megaupload link on the homepage and in the comments)

Track List 1. A 40
2. this is sad Nivi
3. free floating
4. parkhausromantiker
5. dance of a Hypochonder
6. Schimanski
groove 8. feinstaub
9. FAG
10. katharsis katernberg

katrin scherer - alt-baritonsax, melodica, elektr., komp. Sven decker
- tenorsax, bassklarinete, klar., Elektr., Komp. Bernd
oezsevim - drums

Saturday, March 12, 2011

How To Get Ticket Only Pnr No


Dmitri Kalyuzhny


  • All evenings will sit in the backyard.
  • If someone would accompany her as her body becomes transparent to the beat of the shadow.
  • on First comes a map of veins and viscera, then below, a population of bone holes where the wind blows like a rush of music.
  • The woman smiles and raises his arm in the night stages. A few minutes more and turn off the glow of the bone-lit remote and obscure songs skin the color of blood.
  • When it ends, it keeps the chair under the eaves and returns to the kitchen, taking the secret of transparency in the world.

  • Maria Rosa Lojo

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Whdrivers License In Kentucky

Hortunas. Ismael photos Ejarque

Old things are always terrible. They nest in the soul, they spend years there, the old promises, the places old, old love. Become simple and perfect as a ring or a ball, or a margarita. And to look at, to find them again, we see that there are rotten, or broken, or forgotten, as we think, saved, intact fragments of our undying youth.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Elevated Hemoglobin Sleep Apnea

2007/Taylor's Universe/"Terra Nova"

Robin Taylor is a multi-instrumentalist, composer, organizer, and handle sound of Danish origin, who along with drummer Mads Hansen and saxophonist Karsten Vogel give way to larger project monitoring: Taylor's Universe .
Most music is directly reminiscent of the old jazz-rock, symphonic rock and 70's. Almost always the course followed the themes is defined either by the synthesizer, or keyboard or saxophone. The textures and climates that are found here are usually melodic and calm, and only very selective improvisations or guitar or saxophone solos.
draws attention to all the moments when the ensemble that focuses on the manipulation of sound and free editing of recordings, though little explored, at least helps to give freshness to his proposal. The very casual guitar distortion and unusual ways of playing the synthesizer also help give your music a unique consistency, almost polymorphic. However, the techniques of the saxophone sound like a modern smooth jazz interpretations, and this goes directly from the blows of Karsten Vogel, important partner of the band.
Taylor's Universe is a group that will recommend more than anything to the audience curious to know Projects modern jazz-rock, and also to glance at than those interesados \u200b\u200bprogressive rock from Denmark.

(megaupload link on the front page and in the comments)

Track List 1. Terra Nova (5:48)
2. Amhage West (5:21)
3. Meccano (3:44)
4. Usually They Come at Night (6:48)
5. Metropolarization (4:34)
6. Land of Lamps (7:26)
7. Ruby Wire (4:02)
8. City of Greed (6:42) Line-up

- Karsten Vogel / soprano, alto & tenor sax, bass clarinet
- Robin Taylor / guitars, grand piano, Hammond organ, synthesizers, STRINGMAN, harmonium, PortaSound, glockenspiel, snake charmer's flute, percussion, tapes, treatments
- Rasmus Currant / drums
- Hugh Steinmetz / trumpet & flugelhorn (track 4)
- Louise Nipper / voice (track 1,2,5)
- Jytte Lindberg / voice (track 1, 8)

What Saying Do I Put On A Christening Cake?

signals Fear is a strange land, or a Black Swan

I liked "Black Swan" , and for days I wanted to write a post about this movie, recommend it, even. Recommend, for example, is simple: "Go and see it, you'll like" write here because it is different. I figured that was allowed to settle the experience, distance myself a bit of visual impact - is an intense film with a beautiful picture, we already developed among them, take my time to think whether it was good or not good, you know, those things. But in reality, it was not that.

" Black Swan" is a film that works: the pieces of machinery makes progress, no squeaking their gear, or get stuck, grabs you from the beginning and makes your eyelids stick to the screen - sometimes even forces you to grab the seat with both hands, and you will see "The argument I found interesting, a priori, but is summarized very simply: a courageous dancer with serious emotional handicaps, was selected to play the double role of Swan Lake, although the White Swan it goes great, can not convey the essence of Black Swan, and has to work beyond their own boundaries, sacrificing peace and sanity to do so.

The way of stating this is not highly original, the effects and situations created to arouse fear or expectation, we have seen before. Nor is the delight of the character is nothing new under the sun, to me personally, it reminded me very much " Turn of the Screw" , but I imagine there are others relating more successful. Of course, if there is something truly remarkable, is the interpretation of Natalie Portman, of course, but that if he fails, no film - it could make a lot of praise, but I think this says it all-

But after the experience is, of course. And "Black Swan" is an experience (at least it was for me). A - yo-just identifying with the character, so from the first minutes of the film, but more so in the days following, when trying to decide if the movie is good or not. One thinks of what he has seen, and begins to look rare in the mirrors. It is a subtle but inexorable fact: as a feather to grow slowly on your back, for example. One thought to remember that ever did or said or felt similar things, that the open pit of panic over little things sometimes, that desire is inevitably murky - a body, a goal, perfection. What a great film, then, when longer movies.

One begins to understand, at that time, the movie, sorry, what I thought was the movie. I guess there's a Black Swan within me, but not want to believe. And I do not mind criticism, there was nothing to reflect, or judge, nothing good or bad, great or mediocre. Just had to live. I suspect that there is a double dark, sometimes emerging from my soul. Although not want to see it. There was nothing to think, just to understand some basic things and true: that fear is a strange land, and love only exists in the present.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Sample Letters For Community Hours

Why not come and kill me?


not you come and kill me?
not let yourself or a rib
rushes to the last bone I have left. Encadéname
your wrists,

me from the indifference of gray days, the sheets

huge curled in my body.
lands, plant your roots

forgotten about my affection.

Put on my back and listen to the music of the carousel

between the neck and my feet from porcelain.
Have no mercy,
nailed the dagger so deep

not to run away ever again.
empty Yourself in the larynx
be my livelihood.
Love me.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Jackets Nike Rn#56323

2011/TheRhythmIsOdd/"Raw material"

" This is a great album!. I had long since heard a material so dense, well played and with a quirky yet elegant way to interpret their instruments these 3 virtuoso musicians in Sweden." Raw material " is the title of this formidable albumn, the second in the history of this amazing trio consisting of Bjorn Egelius (electric bass), Tobbe Johansson (electric guitar, acoustic, guitar-synthesizer) and Leif Fredriksson (drums), which has a vast experience, having previously played with people committed to the trend Jazz-Rock Fusion as Jan Akkerman, Don Cherry, Bebo Valdés , among others. This group was initially called "Trio" but changed its name to the currently held mostly as a play on words, but the music we provide in this work is splendid: a patchwork of letters, interludes, variations, improvisations , lush music given by an amazing way to play the drums, great in the metrics that drive illegal (9 / 8 and 13 / 8, usually), a great guitar with multiple interpretative resources, driven by a true master and a low to a counterpoint pristine, solid very rewarding. The tracks have a strong energy, strength and solidity, especially interpretive honesty, making their roots Frank Zappa, Mahavishnu Orchestra , and most of all, the Essential King Crimson ; out there hear some traces of Art Zoyd, Dr. Nerve, and even Mr. Bungle Rush, however, the material presented here is for the good work ... " / Portal

(link in megaupload on the cover and in the comments)

Track List 1. Traveller (3:07)
2. Subway (13:33
3. Mrs. Hippie (3:02)
4. Road Less Travelled (12:17)
5. Marten Trotzigs dance of Decades (1:19)
6. Vision of Thoughts (9:19 )

Bjorn Egelius / Leif Fredriksson
bass / drums

Tobbe Johansson / guitar.

Sunday, February 27, 2011 Sasusaku Lemon

Go, girl, come and sit beside me

Valeriy Gridnev

  Go, girl, come and sit by my side. 
things came to tell my
afternoon and suddenly I see,
like one who feels there have been and where
first come,
in the middle of your life, telling
my stuff.
not lower his gaze.
not tell me that nobody told you, you do not know
which is a freshwater sea your smile.
And look, I see the sky.
Tomorrow is now.
Although sometimes alum,
yesterday is a star not exists.
All it took an eternity never to be known
equal. To touch the light
just silence,
that instant when we have plenty of world.
If you knew the times I had
naked in my dreams, hugs

getting dressed before I knew. If you knew ...

If you knew, girl,
watch tonight
nailed me in the hope their needles, which opens
distance as well as a wound,
more afraid to remember that absence.
morning my eyes If you tell ...
If I could,
if I had the courage to say these words
morning now I start
not quite know how, but where.
Yes, at least when you read these verses
in a book some day, we realize
that were written just for you.
If you have value, if you knew ...

If you have courage, I keep quiet.


  • Víctor Jiménez
  • Sevilla, 1957

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Standard Agreement For The Sale Of Real Estate Pa

Because spring arrives (and I have this much neglected area)


Spring Flowers, Autumn Moon and lilies

even snatched my heart like
boat adrift.
long as it is flesh and blood, I will never rest.
never come a day
get that resist my emotions.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Jamies American Road Trip Stream


Sharon Knettel

  B   atállame  
  poem mocks the sturdy stone wall 
back on the momentum
  gallant who wants to throw 

down a contention about the rough appearance comes word in

seek him four towers
  sign up to the assault and siege acométeme 
and the verse is now tame
  each of my tropes 
allegory is not all that glitters

  • Tina Rojas Suárez
  • (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 1971)


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Typical Trailer Bill Of Sale

Ven. Ven. So. I kiss you.

John Lavery

V on. Ven.
So. I kiss you.
you pluck. I take away.
you check it in the dark, burning dark
open, black, hidden shed swallow
oh so blue, black, throbbing.
Oh well, so coveted, soft lips, wavy,
or coral pink skin delicate, so fine.
So, so, absorbed more and more sucked.
Thus, for all time. Very
there, from the depths,
detached sweet ointments,
beloved, drunken frenzy, love up in despair.
My only, my single, solitary food,
my wet, drizzled in my mouth, slid
my being.
Love My Love.
Ay, ay.
hurt me. I hurt.
Ráspame, Limam, jadéame you me,
starts and restarts, with teeth and throat,
dying, dying, coming back again,
died again, so by always
forever in the dark,
burning darkness, yoked night
love, not death and dying, love, love, love, forever.

  • Rafael Alberti

Monday, February 7, 2011

Desine Temperature Circute

She is made in the likeness of the things I love purple

Edgar Degas

She is made in the likeness of the things I love.

like at night,

or rather one night without leave.

She is correct.

When night slips away, his body was wet.

I can climb my

tremors and shakes his name from the dark.

She is unique.

Born in the rocks where my disorder begins.

  • Langagne Eduardo, Mexico City, 1952

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Burgundy And Burnt Orange Centerpieces

Carrie Graber

Love hurts me there under your arm,

in the gap between the ribs.

comes to my heart this way inclined.

I put love in the mortar with ash

and striking purple grain. The beadle,


and put it on the wound.

  • Prado Adélia Luzia Freitas (Brazil, 1935).
  • (Translation: Diana Bellesi)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Big Boobs Breastsfeeding Clips


Remember to Led Bib ? Ending in 2009 closed that year with his very good album, Sensible Shoes, and now are back with more good music. Fortunately, this is just the same. First, almost put aside the piano and now the music is dominated by the saxophone, which give rise to more than enough imagination counterpoints, cacophony, faster and less Improvs retain a bit of jazz of yesteryear. There is also a track where they enter an introductory electronics, and are carefully inserted into your formula. Although Rhodes is used very occasionally, there is a point where you miss a memorable one and that goes into jazz-rock tradition. No less important are those dissonant clashes that are maintained throughout the album, and converging in amazing ways to distortions and precise effects. Led Bib's proposal has remained fresh, energetic and ready to be heard by anyone jazzhead nonconformist and also by the audience RIO

(megaupload link on the homepage and in the comments)

Track List
1. emmo oil moth
2. or woodblock is thot
3. little x
4. hollow ponds
5. wolking power
soviour stop service 7.
engine room 8. Shop & sizes
walnuts 10.

winter line-up
Mark Holub: drums;
Liran Donin: bass, Toby McLaren
: Fender Rhodes;
Pete Grogan: high saxophone;
Chris Williams: high saxophone.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Dillards Formal Desses

Love LOVE POEM WANTED ... Grammar Exercise

Kelvin Lei

Seeking Women Love Poem:
unlimited spring, but few

robber Good grief. Gambler
occasionally a loss.
Vaccinated against the impossible. Essential

smile with both hands.
confidential capacity will be assessed. Refrain

hearts of gold, customs
respectable ladies, princesses turned

own office in these verses
overlooking a rain of doubt. Salary
none, but commission in dreams. Immediate incorporation
complicity. Interested

enter without knocking but not before burning any references

Pedro Flores (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 1968).

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Ikusa Otome Suvia 3

Read / reread

Reading: Alexander the Great and the eagles of Rome , Javier Negrete. I like this novel very well drawn plot, a clear style, without fanfare, a good atmosphere (so says W., and I do) But each time I come to a passage I will erotic desire to continue reading , there are times when the story progresses, it remains stopped, and I have not clear why. Still, the overall rating for the moment, is positive.

Rereading: Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrel , by Susanna Clarke. In his day captivated me: Raven King, the door of the rain, the man with hair like thistle pappus. And I must admit that is still magical, but in a second reading is formal aspects reducing their brightness.

Consulting : Grammar for writers and writers do not in the collection of the writer guides +. It is very useful, indeed, this series of editorial Alba: I refer to this collection and Guides writer (no more). They are guides with examples practical, enjoyable and well structured.

Waiting: The seven ages of Louise Glück I confess that I liked Arara t, but it was because they did not connect with the familiar theme; The wild iris is something else, and I have often posted poems from that book in blog. We'll see.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Milena Velba Baby Jansen

1999/Evan Parker Electro-Acoustic Ensemble/"Drawn Inward"

E n their quest to create a complex interface between free jazz and musique concrete, the English saxophonist Evan Parker recruits an ensemble of improvisers and a few responsible for generating sonic effects in time real. Even before I reported on this thick and very inventive experiment, and now it's time to talk about the specific disc that I am publishing today. Drawn Inward is the sequel to his debut with Elecro-Acoustic Ensemble, Toward The Margins . This release Lawrence Casserley joined the project, taking care of computer effects. The first thing you hear on this album is a tribute to Johnny Hartman, and tear away the bitter taste of cataclísmias improvisation, incredible solos and work Parker negligible electronic subsystem. The grounds are kept abstract in this record and along other works of Electro-Acoustic Ensemble, somehow connected with some kind of contemporary music. The movements you will discover here are a series of collisions instrumental dissonance and potential overlap between layers of music, this is more unusual as the link between improvisation, debauchery, and modern technology supported on the environment.

(megaupload link on la portada y en los comentarios)

Track List
*01.- The crooner (9:14)
*02.- Serpent in sky (7:30)
*03.- Travel in the homeland (7:58)
*04.- Spouting bowl (2:56)
*05.- Collect calls (10:39)
*06.- Aka Lotan (4:24)
*07.- Reanascreena (5:43)
*08.- At home in the universe (3:21)
*09.- Writing on ice (3:44)
*10.- Phloy in the frame (3:49)
*11.- Drawnlnward (5:59)

Evan Parker tenor and soprano saxophones, khene
Philipp Wachsmann violin, viola, live electronics, sound processing
Double-bass Barry Guy Paul Lytton
percussion, live electronics
Lawrence Casserley live electronics, sound processing Walter Prati
live electronics, sound processing Marco Vecchi
live electronics, sound processing

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Cervix High And Soft A Week Before Period

2005/Ultralyd/"Chromosome Gun"

The album here Norwegians present Ultralyd latitudes travels very different from what was seen in its latest release. While in Inertiadrome demonstrated their stiffness and obsession with repetitive rhythms, Chromosome Gun is much more open to improvisations unlimited. The amplified and hard bass sound is a feature that prevails in the two albums, but here the sax has a stronger impact and to remind themselves insane Zorn bolder in its early stages. The battery at all times is like a tank bombs, attacking adding to the atrocities of the other instruments. The aggressiveness and motility
reaching this record is much higher than in the past, and in fact here are not due to elements of kraut or psychedelic rock, I listen as an electric free jazz improvisatory selected sectors and few breaks. I think we can even compare this music with that of groups like Full Blast , Last Exit and
Lean Left and thick!

(megaupload link on the homepage and in the comments)

Track List

Bea Pink Mood
Brown Degree

Last Resort Line-up
Bass - Kjetil D Brandsdal
Clarinet, Saxophone - Frode Gjerstad
Drums - Morten J. Olsen
Guitar - Anders Hana

Cm On Clomid Before Af

Lucia Coghetto

Grammar Exercise

You whom travel

lip of the horizon,
and a strange cloud cover and the sheet
am bitter
give me your hands, now your name

delay is in the ears of the earth or runs

underground river that empties into the depths

of mirrors, where
no voice calling.

You, the more abstract
pronouns, dressed
fire the last vowel, as if a shadow
silences between

dances by murmurs and memories: no parties
birth day,
the vague dream of a wish, or light
you looked.

Stay in the ink of my fingers,
rest of a verse, faceless
secret, or take me with you, clean
reflexes and pronouns,
source while a rumor
teaches me to find you.

  • Júdice Nuno Poem, from his book You, whom I call love (Anthology).
  • translation of Jesus Munarriz.
  • Bilingual Edition. Madrid, Hyperion, 2008.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Sportscraft Basketball Game Manuel

1981/Sakata Orchestra/"4 O'Clock"

A side project or sub- Wha-ha-ha is Sakata Orchestra, whose information on the web is very scarce, and few data are known. But the interesting thing is that these Nipponese lanes are cleaned electronic Wha-ha-ha and strange humor to create a monstrous specimen of free-jazz. Discovering are here heavy saxophone improvisations, piano, to collect the best jazz of the West to throw fast movements and rapid rhythms, always changing.
I think that this album should be in every collection of free-jazz, improvisation, Japanese cluster. Do not miss it because this is a real pleasure.

(megaupload link on the homepage and in the comments)

Track List Side A
What Time is It? 4 O'Clock
Side B
E? E!! E? Trapper