Sunday, July 4, 2010

Where To Buy A Fake Muscle T Shirt

summer beach reads absence


Only the sea, the sea of \u200b\u200btriremes
for the soul to start from scratch
account of perplexity and error,
blessed days and failures.
From this sea love your soul again
for my sick soul mistake
and the mistake is his joy.

Sun has been absent all morning, now appears timid among clouds unstable (inconsistent, too, as are all the clouds) And it rained - a little, and I have not gone to the beach. So I could spend the day reading and thinking, to romp a little and get some sleep. Sunday is a stranger.

Rufus Wainwright was in the Palau de la Musica in Valencia, this strange city where a man like that (name so strange and difficult to pronounce for me) can come and go almost without noise. In fact, it was not because I learned, was free, as I said a good friend, who himself was there. Apparently, it was a great concert.


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