Thursday, July 1, 2010

Buddy Cake Boss Recipes

The wild geese

Return to my meetings with you a bit more wrinkled, but with my long-standing interest in observing nature and the fascinating world of animal.
This past spring, I had the great fortune to meet a family of geese and found that indeed, whistle when alarmed or angry but also get the neck as a sign of concern. I think that expressions of Mother Goose are very significant. In this work included some of the images and the environment, then expose. Then there are little notes on some characteristics of wild geese in case you want to devote a few minutes of your attention.

Chicks have emerged from under the maternal wing and remain clustered and disciplined A whistle came with the clear warning that it is not so pleasant feeling observed
closely by a human eye.
The father is in front in clear view of protection and surveillance.

At this point the road, I found them. It highlighted the whiteness of the father and was a temptation impossible to beat
not take pictures, full of excitement, I could shoot.
not easy to understand why, since ancient times, has considered the geese and birds of low intelligence, as the observations confirm the opposite. All species, without exception, birds are among the most cautious, clever, alert and intelligent existence. In captivity they adapt to new conditions of life and rapidly become domesticated.

The geese spend less time in water than other individuals of their species. Spend much time on land and even in trees. Walking

keep the body upright and upright neck. Several of the species emit a sound like a whisper, sometimes cry, and some stop listening and plaintive shrieks can be heard from afar. When they feel annoyed most species whistle.

When a couple is now inseparable in life. Their young develop so rapidly that within two months, and could become independent but prefer to continue a long time with their parents, with whom he formed a very close family.

The male courts his future partner, watches jealously and fighting without fear of their rivals. In the struggles that take place between the males, the two opponents cling tightly to the peak by the neck and beat their wings with such violence that the noise they make can be heard at a considerable distance.

After mating, the female begins to collect materials for nest building. The male accompanies but does not help in this task. The base of the nest is made of reed stems and leaves, twigs and other material piled carelessly. The internal hollow, however, be covered by a layer of down, before preparing to hatching, the female will start. The nests often wetland soils are installed in islets of reeds or lake areas, always in places inaccessible for foxes or other predators.

Their young are born at 24 days. 24 hours remain in the nest and the next day, their parents take them to the water and teach them to find food. After the birth of offspring, the male is more suspicious than usual. When the family moves, the mother is leading the children in the middle and father behind.

Children who are orphaned die unless they join other families in the species. While adults tend not to take the initiative to host the abandoned offspring, never refuse to admit the offspring of others who spontaneously join them. We know of a female who was caring for about sixty young orphans.

greylag goose hunting requires great skill and long stalking through the reeds. The meat of adults is hard and leathery, but the youth is very tasty. The feathers are more appreciated than those of the domestic goose down and is trading at high price.

The text has been prepared using information collected in "The World of Animals"
Franziska Pictures taken by the basin of the river Henares.


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