Monday, May 24, 2010

Buy Old Duncan Fearnley Magnum

small or invisible things

has left a cloud in the bed

has left a cloud on the bed. Hurry
been dismissed and he said: You forget. But
has left a cloud on the bed. I've wrapped with silk
and I said: Do not throw a fly, do not pursue.
(blue birds, red,
yellow, sip water from a cloud
which faces defaulting on their shoulders.)
Back home without
his entourage of birds will notice that the weather has changed
on the coast of your shoulders, that clouds have evaporated /
Then think that has left something: a cloud
my bed, and return to retrieve their rituals
queen a cloud .. .
I was happy for their defeat and has passed me a smile.
And when I got into bed to sleep
in the tropes, the water I was wet.



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