Saturday, August 29, 2009

Wording For A Retirment Card=

How many greenhouse gases?

few days ago I asked how many are greenhouse gases?
talk is often carbon dioxide (CO2) when discussing greenhouse gases as I had come to believe that was the only one but there are many more. And some of them are much more powerful in its effects on global warming. I gathered information and this is data I have, arranged most to least impact:
Water vapor (H2O)
According to the Panel of Experts on climate change, is between 36 to 70 of the greenhouse effect. That is, the fog the fog and clouds are water vapor. And last but not least, global warming causes a feedback loop that, with higher temperatures will produce more water vapor which generates, in turn, further temperature high, and, in turn, more water vapor, etc.
  • carbon dioxide (CO2)
is a byproduct of fossil fuels: oil, coal and natural gas.
  • Methane (CH4)
is the most important component of natural gas and flatulence of cows, and other natural sources ( swamps and termites) and artificial as landfills. Scientists recognize still do not quite understand the cycle of methane by what they consider their impact could still be much higher.
· nitrogen oxides (NOx)
These gases are created naturally from of bacterial decomposition of organic nitrates, by the combustion plant or the activity of volcanoes. Our species has led to an increase of these gases because the produce for various industrial products and by-product of motor vehicles.
· Ozone (O3)
This gas has became famous because of the weakening of the layer . Ozone is not distributed evenly across our planet. With our actions we have accentuated the differences. Thus, in the lower atmosphere ozone is too acts as a potent greenhouse gas, but at the top scarce and this results in a decreased ability to prevent adverse solar radiation.
· trifluoromethane (CHF3)
also is known by the name of fluoroform and used in the manufacture of silicon chips and as a fire suppressant. remains in the atmosphere for 260 years, trapping 11,700 times more heat than CO2. chips are used in all modern electronics as automobiles, televisions, CD and MP3 players, mobile phones, etc.
· hexafluoroethane (C2F6)
building is used in semiconductor and remains in the atmosphere up to 10,000 years. This longevity, along with his ability to hold 9,200 times more heat than CO2, has provoked the interest of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change are following too closely effects.
· sulfur hexafluoride (SF6)
Very used in the electronics industry as insulation, is an inert gas. gas is considered the most powerful greenhouse in the world with a capacity of 22,200 times at trapping heat than CO2.
· trichlorofluoromethane (GC-11)
This cooling causes several negative effects on the environment. addition to retaining 4,600 times more heat than CO2, reducing the ozone layer faster than any other refrigerant and also must not forget the environmental impact of chlorine.
The list will expand as the scientific study of the phenomenon. For example, the case of sulfuryl fluoride (SO2F2) used as a fumigant against termites, has a life span of 40 years and is able to catch the 4800 times more heat than CO2, as has been released in the month of March, a group of scientists from the Institute of Technology Massachusetts .
From this information has begun to take over my disappointment. This means that the whole framework in which we have based our wealth, is a disaster for the sustenance of life of man, plants and animals. Are we willing to turn back? We collect environmental problems. Well, all this must be added that the sea has become a giant landfill. The oceans around the world accumulate millions of tons of waste from plastic bags and bottles, even cigarette butts, televisions, refrigerators and even beds. Damage to marine biodiversity and the economy are increasing. It is estimated that plastics take hundreds of years to degrade.
The total amount of garbage ocean is unknown, due to the lack of studies and much of the waste is not seen. end up in the bottom or ingested by living things marine. Greenpeace estimates that 10% of world production of plastic is deposited in the oceans. global manufacture of plastic is about 225 million tons per year.
A 1994 study on the English coast, French and Italian localized in the seabed, 1935 units per square kilometer, most plastic bags. Experts point out that the bioaccumulation of these substances in the body of living beings along the food chain, could have serious consequences: pollution is increasing in food from the sea.
The dumping of industrial or agricultural waste, such as nitrogen fertilizers leads to ocean acidification and leads to increasing dead zones. In them, the absence of oxygen leads to the disappearance of living beings. Several studies, including the United Nations, have highlighted the rapid growth of these dead spots around the world.
Experts say you can still fight this problem if proper measures are taken. Environmentalists say the sea is the great forgotten the institutional managers. Accordingly, they claim the adoption of rules that encourage waste reduction and proper treatment.
Consumers are essential because we can reduce the use of these products and packaging, reuse and recycling. Environmental awareness serves as well on land than at sea: do not throw anything to the water and deposit waste in proper containers, gestures are vital to ocean life.


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