Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Synyster Gates Hair How Long

The river Henares Alcalá de Henares view from the tower of Santa Maria Maggiore

am a Asturias, Oviedo-born, whose life has been spent in Madrid. However, wishing a more friendly and relaxed, to retire, I decided to come and live in Alcala de Henares. Here I am as comfortable as if he had been here all my life. past year the project I have to tell you about where I live. I know it's a very complex because there are many aspects that relate to this city.
Alcalá de Henares has
city title since 1687. Belongs to the Autonomous Community of Madrid. Is episcopal, university and head of the judicial.
The tower of the Church of Santa Maria Maggiore was built in the seventeenth century.
During the Civil War, the church of Santa Maria Maggiore was on fire and damage to the building, had to add the loss of important works of art. In the post war blocks used their to restore other buildings. The tower, of brick, with little usable material, was isolated from the rest of the set and has held until today.
From the current month of December you can visit. have to undertake the adventure of climbing the hundred sixteen or, perhaps, one hundred and nineteen steps-not remember exactly, but even if it is a spiral staircase was made of a metal structure very comfortable. At last has managed to implement a long-cherished project of Alcala

Alcalá de Henares, December 22, 2009
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010, dear friends
Text and images made by Franziska

Friday, November 27, 2009

Strawberry Bd Company

The empty jar is the most

"That speaks both are completely hollow, you know that the empty jug is the most sound TAGORE

The phrase is based on the folklore of all peoples. I do not know how many but it is sure to be sayings in English on the subject, is frowned quackery. And he is rightly pleased because it's not withstand the constant intervention of the chatterbox, a creature who is in possession of truth and wisdom. The curious thing about this is that talkative person not recognize itself as the bearer of such a defect. think you have an outgoing personality, which is communicative, who likes gatherings, which estimates the exchange of views and a long list of arguments.

This service, like everyone, makes its varieties. Of all the types of charlatans who know, to me the one I like is the funny. he never stops: one joke after another. Hours and hours may be exhibiting their skills. last laugh worldwide and is the true charlatan to endure all welcome.

The most difficult, in my opinion, is one that is iterative. have an argument, an opinion, a political idea, never more than one. It could spend hours with the same irrefutable argument. Take every opportunity to emphasize and relate any other topic, it is foolish to re-emphasize the strength of their explanations.

There is also the paradoxical talker. Always in the holy name of logic and philosophy, is fond of naming Socrates and Plato, and of course speak for them but of the wise men in the world have been, does not admit that their views can not be accepted by others. Interrupts worldwide, has absolutely no respect for their peers and not let anyone say more than a few words where it is present.

is the kind parrot, who does not know anything but talk about everything in a raging a landslide talk, unable to contain himself, destroys everything and is impossible to forget the sound of his shrill voice. hard can defend just as well as attack. to dream out loud!

is also which always has its sorrows, its diseases and terrible sadness. If you see every day, you repeat by active and passive much suffering, how bad it happens, that obnoxious is to live in a world so unfair and how many had been their sufferings. I have to count every day to not forget.

And there are of my ilk who see the speck in your neighbor's eye and for this reason have been allowed to talk about the other varieties of charlatans. We like to talk. The time stands still when we take the floor. Sometimes, we note that our victim wants to run away and apologize but we do not allow it. We say, yes, yes, only just a little something important. Half an hour later, our desperate listener does not know if you choose to kill us or run away and call for help to get rid of that last little thing we have to point out. The people are good and the next, rather opt for changing sidewalk and say, from a distance, which is in a hurry. And so, looking for a victim every day, we spend our lives regretting what this world is unsupportive. And we ended up talking alone because it is better to pass for madmen to be quiet.

Alcalá de Henares, November 25, 2009

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Can A Double Bed Fit In A Cargo Van

sounds Evolution of the solar panels

Within a few years, the rigid silicon wafers manufactured today can be replaced by other materials and new technologies, moreover, may apply in a variety of functions .

Silicon is the material used for manufacturing photovoltaic panels, but the price is expensive. What has led to research and development of a second generation that creates films much more flexible and thinner than their predecessors. Thus, several companies worldwide, are working in what experts call low-cost solar panels and using materials other than silicon microstructures called CIGS because use copper, indium, gallium and selenium, or CIS in the case of not including gallium. Other researchers have created technologies such as organic photovoltaic cells (OPV), organic plastics one capable of reacting to light.

The potential of these materials are huge but its efficiency is still lower than silicon but proponents say it's just a matter of time to overcome. Some experts estimate it could be cost-effective to overtake fossil fuels from 2015.

addition, researchers and companies around the world are working on the development of various technologies such as so-called quantum hollow, nanotubes carbon or titanium oxide nanostructures dye. With them is expected to create a painting that recubriría houses or roads to generate power, as well as dyes for all types of electronic equipment, textiles or solar cars.

Another generation of solar panels join nanoparticles with polymers to achieve more efficient and cheaper cells. The panel would be based on polymer nanoparticles that not only draw on the different types of light but also the infrared spectrum. NASA has used this multi-junction technology in their missions to Mars.

Some experts speak of advances in manufacturing cost-efficiency energy conversion because the cost would drop as well to compete with fossil fuels and nuclear energy.

The availability of renewable and clean energy are a reality toward which we move, so unstoppable, and this is a sure path to hope, but we must put all our energies on supporting governments that be willing to bet, definitely, on the development and implementation. can no longer continue to deny the facts. must be saved from this fire as much as possible and not make the mistake of continuing to seek new sources of fossil fuels and which apparently can be in the Arctic.

Alcalá de Henares, November 7, 2009


Data taken from an article published in

"CONSUMER EROSKI" by Alex Fernandez Muerza

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Dogs Nose White Spots


cities like London, which will take the lead as a pioneer in the fight against climate change, "Copenhagen, Adelaide, Phoenix or Vancouver have already taken the initiative to reduce their emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2). A growing number of cities are taking measures to support renewable energy development.

The measures are, in some cases, pioneers and can grow with the increase of electric cars and installation on the vehicles fuel, smart meters. At home, the insulation of homes, buildings energy zero, and so on.

London heads and this challenge and aims to become a low carbon city. A municipal initiatives was the establishment of a Low Emission Zone which left outside the village to the most polluting vehicles.

Another recent measure incorporates ten districts in "low carbon zones". The city of London will invest approximately € 220,000 on each one to be made measures energy and reducing CO2 emissions. An estimated 13,000 homes, 1,000 shops and businesses, 20 schools, a hospital and several places of worship and community centers will benefit from this initiative.

The project includes grants for low income families to install thermal insulation systems or solar panels. Will be in place educational programs to explain to the neighbors how to reduce energy consumption or using smart meters.

Copenhagen will be the host city of the World Climate Summit, the successor to Kyoto, has announced its goal of becoming the first capital of the planet with "zero emissions "of CO2 in 2025. The wind energy development and use of electric cars and hydrogen are some of its assets.

But the port city of Frederikshavn -of only 25,000 inhabitants want to achieve, by 2015, being the first city based on renewable energy to 100%.

Sweden years has demonstrated their environmental awareness and several of its cities have undertaken ambitious plans environment. In VÄXJÖ -a town of 80,000 inhabitants have been proposed since the nineties, to abandon fossil fuels by 2050. Today, thanks to the exploitation of forests , 57% of its energy needs from renewable sources. The city of Växjö has reduced its CO2 emissions by 25% in the last ten years.

The Australian city of Adelaide aims to achieve "carbon neutrality" between 2020 and 2025.

In the city of Phoenix (Arizona) have announced their intention to become the first American town "carbon neutral." Those responsible will invest billion billion to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases by 70% within three or four years.

The Canadian city of Vancouver and the U.S. state of California have signed a collaboration agreement to create "zones of low-carbon economic development". It will encourage eco-efficient technologies to reduce CO2 emissions and increase the number of workers green.

population of Barcelona Sant Cugat del Vallés studying the possibility of creating the first residential community in Spain with a zero balance CO2 emissions.

In Asia also want to join these initiatives.

seems that this sleeping giant of the collective unconscious begin to wake up and realize that we no longer have any time to lose, you have to save what is left and, for the moment, we do not have another planet to migrate in the case that life became impossible here. Blessed are all initiatives that should have been implemented years ago.

Until you know the outcome of the World Climate Summit, in these pages of "two-headed turtle" we will only find information on everything that is being developed so that we can combat climate change. I think we all have an obligation to make our voices heard and to demand a remedy no more excuses: this fire is burning our survival as a species and that of all living things with us and have made possible, Over millions of years, the birth of countless human cultures and civilizations in all places on Earth.

And this to the appropriate parties. Gentlemen, when do you start with the main English cities?

Images taken from Internet
Alcalá de Henares, October 24, 2009

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Glandular Problems Symptoms


Since the name of Sheila Watt-Cloutier, to be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize 2007, jumped to all media, the limited data on their activities had been asleep the sleep of the just in my files. Today, on October 15, 2009, is the appointed day to participate online in THE BLOG ACTION DAY '09 on environmental protection and I think it's time to present at this modest blog to a great fighter.

SHEILA WATT-CLOUTIER raised in the tiny Inuit community on the southern coast of Ungava Bay, in the frozen north of Canada. Today is the representative elect of 150,000 inhabitants that make up the Inuit people scattered around the Arctic in Alaska, Canada, Greenland and Chukotka, Russia.

Along with the organization UNEP played an important role in the task of making the world's governments to agree the phasing of a "dozen dirty "persistent chemicals were contaminating his people. Are industrial toxins that can cause infertility, cancer and brain damage. Also undertook a campaign against global warming .

This is an edited transcript of testimony before Congress of the United States in September 2004:

" N you are on the verge of a turning point in the history of the planet. The Earth is melting and we all come together to address efficiently the problem of climate change.

While global warming affects the entire planet, there is scientific consensus that is impacting the Arctic much faster. Our elders have been experiencing these changes since the mid 70's. The relationship of Inuit with the environment remains strong, and many of us still rely on land and sea to sustain our families. Our elders and hunters have an intimate knowledge of land, sea and ice, and have observed disturbing changes in climate, environment and wildlife in the Arctic. These changes include:

1. permafrost melting
2. longer seasons without ice ocean
3. new species of birds and fish-owls, robins, pin-tailed ducks and salmon-invading the region.
4. invasions of mosquitoes and gnats
5. unpredictable sea ice conditions
6. Melting glaciers, creating torrents instead of streams.

Our observations are confirmed by a formal scientific assessment carried out by over 300 scientists and many indigenous inhabitants of the Arctic. The study concludes that it is very likely that our longstanding relationship with our hunting culture may disappear in the period of the life of my grandson. Climate change is happening first and fastest in the Arctic. My homeland is the health barometer for the planet. Looking at what is already happening in remote Inuit villages in Alaska (as in Shishmaref, near its eastern end, which literally being battered to the point that is falling into the sea) we reveal the future dangers for more populated areas Florida, Louisiana and California.

If we invest, time, emissions of pollutants that cause climate change to save the Arctic the most devastating impact of global warming, we can spare untold suffering for hundreds of millions people around the globe. The global warming unites us all. Use what is happening in the Arctic, the Inuit History "as a vehicle to restore the partnership between us, so we understand that the planet and its people are one. The Inuit hunter who falls through the unpredictable sea ice decline is linked to the cars we drive, the industries which rely upon, and the disposable world in which we have become.

Climate change is a matter of survival of humanity. It is the world's most pressing problem we face today. Protect the Arctic and save the planet! "

For those who are curious and want to complete a short resume of Sheila Watt-Cloutier, find online information on numerous occasions that have been awarded prizes and awards in recognition of his work. Because it is very outstanding and meritorious work of this tireless crusader on behalf of his people and for their survival and livelihoods are at stake: the Inuit can not go the stock market depend on the nature that is his store and his livelihood, "says Sheila, however, not just of the Inuit, the consequences to all ends up.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

What Is The Best Absorbed Oil


With the conviction that had taken place without my intervention, I tried to sidestep the issue that, on the other hand, for nothing could intervene and in which I played, as most of us suffer the sour or too bitter consequences. However, it was from my previous post on the "Decrease" when I began to consider that, at least, should try to clear up much confusion trying to understand how it was developed. I went to the reading of several books and for this reason I take the liberty to advise the reading of "The man who sold his house for a tulip Trias de Bes. I clarified many doubts.

test is a thorough and written in a simple and entertaining, and especially clear.
begins with the first crisis in the Netherlands. The business of the sale of tulip bulbs and how to run riot as they were speaking the bench contributions were granted loan guarantee was put in all the possessions of a family, etc., And is proving - to the astonishment of who is reading, that history repeats itself, with the same base: prices soaring, people who want to get rich, bankers who provide no real value on the basis that it will. And all, apparently, win until the catastrophe occurs.

says that we are facing a housing crisis, financial and economic. The three reached crisis separate dates and, therefore, also end up at different times. First are overcoming the financial crisis, then the related to the economy, and, finally, the real estate and construction, as the most serious, is the need of a healthy economy to return work.

· That we should not believe any of the forecasts made by politicians or institutions because, in economics , is absurd to make predictions.
· That price indices were controlled because housing was not part of the inflation rate. not understand why the house which goes from 20 to 60% of household income is not included in the calculation of inflation and why it does not take into account when measuring how to upload the cost of living. In my opinion, it seems that employers are not interested or governments because otherwise, they would have controlled the high housing prices and thus the global real estate bubble would not have occurred. But they failed all the springs of control.
· Investment banks are responsible for having assumed a completely unacceptable risk levels.
· The rating agencies should not assess property at prices hardly sustainable in the near future, especially if the banks will lend long term.
· The author recommends reading the book by John Kenneth Galbraith, "The Economics of Innocent Fraud."
· says no we ask when will the end of the crisis but we have to fight it with all our energy and enthusiasm. can not wait until it clears. We have to work full time. must continue exporting, researching, innovating, investing, undertaking: making our dream of every day in a job well done because the end will come when we no longer know it. That is, the end of a recession is very similar to arrival: no one notices until it's above it. When no one talks about the crisis, we will begin to get out.

We just live in Spain, the longest economic expansion in our history, and pronunciation. Fourteen years uninterrupted growth. We few months of decline.

Information taken from the book of Trias de Bes
Franziska original photos

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Inurl: Live View/= Axis

DECREASE: other ways of life are possible. Bees

MEETING POINTS PERCENT ONCE IN 82 CITIES. TODAY, September 17, 2009, was the date for its debut. UNDER UNDER THE MOTTO:
was passing by and I met a group of youths who had occupied a modest space with tables and numerous pamphlets explaining the reason for their presence. all the information I gathered as I could with it and the photos I've taken, try to give a touch-I can not anymore because it is very extensive the subject-so that, once informed, go realizing that there are people willing to change things and to strive to maintain a clean and sustainable economy.
Organic Farming
Table with organic vegetables sample corresponds to BAH (under the asphalt is the garden) which is a group dedicated to the agro-ecology and proposes an alternative model of production, distribution and consumption.
is based on self-management and horizontal operation that makes possible the direct producer / consumer. The distribution is done through the bag system that divides evenly, producing between the partners so that everyone receives the same (vegetables) on a weekly basis.
BAH groups currently exist in Perales, San Martín, Galapagos and Valladolid.
Banca Etica
Projects Fiare Association is the promotion of socio-economic initiatives that are based on the principles of sustainable development, both from the standpoint of the individual and from the social point of view, where production wealth and its distribution are based on the common good.

presents the group is also representing bicycle users in Alcala de Henares showing their signs and had set up a workshop for repairing bicycles. This group, very active, and advocates the benefits of cycling, they have succeeded already in progress lanes throughout the city with some areas for improvement or correction and other outstanding achievement.
newspaper WE

Brochures with some of the concerns environmentalists
Bureau of the environmental movement
Finally, we mention some of the proposals:
  • Care green building of homes.
  • housing cooperatives cession
  • Recovery of empty buildings
  • Community Gardens
  • Implement integrated cooperatives
  • Multiplication of afforestation and human
  • shared public and private transport
  • renewable energy cooperatives
Surely not I said all proposals, projects and dreams. It is easy for this web of initiatives has not just begun and will soon be adding new and valuable decisions that enable society to regenerate and change towards more healthy, sustainable and ethical life.
Text based on reports collected in booklets
Pictures of Franziska

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Small Bumps On Chest Herpes

The only Nobel Prize awarded to study the history of animal behavior was granted in 1945 to Karl von Frisch by the discovery of language bees. showed that bees can communicate with each other about the quality, distance and the precise location of a food source by a complex sequence of movements and vibrations known as "bee dance." Bees only communicate on two topics: food and where to set the next hive.
Recent research reports that provide the sense of time. His ability to see the ultraviolet range, makes them feel more attracted to certain colors and textures of the flowers than others. and learning through experience. Even can recognize human faces. Since many human costs us to do that when we have exceeded forty, is extraordinary because it is a creature whose brain is the size of a pinhead.
not difficult to understand why bees were sacred to the Greeks, Egyptians and Babylonians. The beehive symbolizes not only a perfectly ordered society, but also is full of drama. When the new queen has just murdered all his sisters, takes his "nuptial flight" to mate up with fifteen drones. All die (their penises explode with an audible pop and the end is within the Queen). The queen returns with enough sperm to supply the entire colony alone. A queen can lay up to 1,500 eggs a day throughout his life that lasts about three years. receive food and constant care from their workers. 's not often that the chemical balance wobble and the workers start laying eggs, but the rebellion was ruthlessly stifle and other workers eat the eggs of the impostors.
If stored properly, honey is the only food that does not spoil. Archaeological sites belonging to the tombs of Egyptian pharaohs has been found honey than three thousand years ago I was in good condition. Honey is hygroscopic, ie it can absorb and retain moisture so molds and bacteria that touch soon lose their own moisture and die. However, the honey represents only a fifth of the true economic importance of bees. Bees pollinate crops. Without them there would be no agriculture.

To make the text have been compiled in
"The big little book of ignorance (animal)
Pictures of Franziska

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Wording For A Retirment Card=

How many greenhouse gases?

few days ago I asked how many are greenhouse gases?
talk is often carbon dioxide (CO2) when discussing greenhouse gases as I had come to believe that was the only one but there are many more. And some of them are much more powerful in its effects on global warming. I gathered information and this is data I have, arranged most to least impact:
Water vapor (H2O)
According to the Panel of Experts on climate change, is between 36 to 70 of the greenhouse effect. That is, the fog the fog and clouds are water vapor. And last but not least, global warming causes a feedback loop that, with higher temperatures will produce more water vapor which generates, in turn, further temperature high, and, in turn, more water vapor, etc.
  • carbon dioxide (CO2)
is a byproduct of fossil fuels: oil, coal and natural gas.
  • Methane (CH4)
is the most important component of natural gas and flatulence of cows, and other natural sources ( swamps and termites) and artificial as landfills. Scientists recognize still do not quite understand the cycle of methane by what they consider their impact could still be much higher.
· nitrogen oxides (NOx)
These gases are created naturally from of bacterial decomposition of organic nitrates, by the combustion plant or the activity of volcanoes. Our species has led to an increase of these gases because the produce for various industrial products and by-product of motor vehicles.
· Ozone (O3)
This gas has became famous because of the weakening of the layer . Ozone is not distributed evenly across our planet. With our actions we have accentuated the differences. Thus, in the lower atmosphere ozone is too acts as a potent greenhouse gas, but at the top scarce and this results in a decreased ability to prevent adverse solar radiation.
· trifluoromethane (CHF3)
also is known by the name of fluoroform and used in the manufacture of silicon chips and as a fire suppressant. remains in the atmosphere for 260 years, trapping 11,700 times more heat than CO2. chips are used in all modern electronics as automobiles, televisions, CD and MP3 players, mobile phones, etc.
· hexafluoroethane (C2F6)
building is used in semiconductor and remains in the atmosphere up to 10,000 years. This longevity, along with his ability to hold 9,200 times more heat than CO2, has provoked the interest of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change are following too closely effects.
· sulfur hexafluoride (SF6)
Very used in the electronics industry as insulation, is an inert gas. gas is considered the most powerful greenhouse in the world with a capacity of 22,200 times at trapping heat than CO2.
· trichlorofluoromethane (GC-11)
This cooling causes several negative effects on the environment. addition to retaining 4,600 times more heat than CO2, reducing the ozone layer faster than any other refrigerant and also must not forget the environmental impact of chlorine.
The list will expand as the scientific study of the phenomenon. For example, the case of sulfuryl fluoride (SO2F2) used as a fumigant against termites, has a life span of 40 years and is able to catch the 4800 times more heat than CO2, as has been released in the month of March, a group of scientists from the Institute of Technology Massachusetts .
From this information has begun to take over my disappointment. This means that the whole framework in which we have based our wealth, is a disaster for the sustenance of life of man, plants and animals. Are we willing to turn back? We collect environmental problems. Well, all this must be added that the sea has become a giant landfill. The oceans around the world accumulate millions of tons of waste from plastic bags and bottles, even cigarette butts, televisions, refrigerators and even beds. Damage to marine biodiversity and the economy are increasing. It is estimated that plastics take hundreds of years to degrade.
The total amount of garbage ocean is unknown, due to the lack of studies and much of the waste is not seen. end up in the bottom or ingested by living things marine. Greenpeace estimates that 10% of world production of plastic is deposited in the oceans. global manufacture of plastic is about 225 million tons per year.
A 1994 study on the English coast, French and Italian localized in the seabed, 1935 units per square kilometer, most plastic bags. Experts point out that the bioaccumulation of these substances in the body of living beings along the food chain, could have serious consequences: pollution is increasing in food from the sea.
The dumping of industrial or agricultural waste, such as nitrogen fertilizers leads to ocean acidification and leads to increasing dead zones. In them, the absence of oxygen leads to the disappearance of living beings. Several studies, including the United Nations, have highlighted the rapid growth of these dead spots around the world.
Experts say you can still fight this problem if proper measures are taken. Environmentalists say the sea is the great forgotten the institutional managers. Accordingly, they claim the adoption of rules that encourage waste reduction and proper treatment.
Consumers are essential because we can reduce the use of these products and packaging, reuse and recycling. Environmental awareness serves as well on land than at sea: do not throw anything to the water and deposit waste in proper containers, gestures are vital to ocean life.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Japan Women Sizes Clothes

Ravens are surprisingly intelligent

A recent study by the University of Cambridge on the behavior of crows has shown that these birds use certain tricks to get feed.
Two thousand years ago a fable of Aesop told us that a thirsty crow could not reach the water that was at the bottom of a jug of long narrow neck. Ingenious, picked up a pebble and threw it into the jar and then saw the water level was near its peak. repeated the process several times until he got drinking and save his life. The fable of the crow and the jar was used by Aesop to highlight the moral teaching of that necessity is the mother of all inventions.
A group of British researchers, led by some members of the University of Cambridge, have studied a very similar situation but with crows. The experiment was conducted with four black crows. Cook, Fry, Connelly and Monroe were placed in front of a glass with a long neck and deep water with a floating worm, a distance that was beyond the peaks of the birds. Beside the recipient a handful of stones, just as it had in the Greek fable, which have been used by the Ravens to increase the water level and thus achieve find the worm. As can be seen in a video of the experiment (http://www.vimeo.com/5974322), Cook and Fry did it the first try, while Connelly and Monroe needed to try again. The images show how the birds pay much attention to his actions: first, evaluate the level of the water, watching the container side and on the other hand, using, successively, the number of stones necessary to achieve the food with peak.
evidence that the result is not due to chance, demonstrated when he repeated the experiment by introducing a second container filled with sand. None of the four returned to rely on the glass of water. Indeed, the researchers could not help but be stunned by such a reaction.
"Crows are intelligent animals and they are surprisingly a degree to compete with the great apes in the ability to solve problems," account Christopher Bird, author of the study to be published in the pages of "Current Biology"
images Internet News
described in "Il Corriere della sera"
translated and adapted to blog by Franziska