Tuesday, October 6, 2009

What Is The Best Absorbed Oil


With the conviction that had taken place without my intervention, I tried to sidestep the issue that, on the other hand, for nothing could intervene and in which I played, as most of us suffer the sour or too bitter consequences. However, it was from my previous post on the "Decrease" when I began to consider that, at least, should try to clear up much confusion trying to understand how it was developed. I went to the reading of several books and for this reason I take the liberty to advise the reading of "The man who sold his house for a tulip Trias de Bes. I clarified many doubts.

test is a thorough and written in a simple and entertaining, and especially clear.
begins with the first crisis in the Netherlands. The business of the sale of tulip bulbs and how to run riot as they were speaking the bench contributions were granted loan guarantee was put in all the possessions of a family, etc., And is proving - to the astonishment of who is reading, that history repeats itself, with the same base: prices soaring, people who want to get rich, bankers who provide no real value on the basis that it will. And all, apparently, win until the catastrophe occurs.

says that we are facing a housing crisis, financial and economic. The three reached crisis separate dates and, therefore, also end up at different times. First are overcoming the financial crisis, then the related to the economy, and, finally, the real estate and construction, as the most serious, is the need of a healthy economy to return work.

· That we should not believe any of the forecasts made by politicians or institutions because, in economics , is absurd to make predictions.
· That price indices were controlled because housing was not part of the inflation rate. not understand why the house which goes from 20 to 60% of household income is not included in the calculation of inflation and why it does not take into account when measuring how to upload the cost of living. In my opinion, it seems that employers are not interested or governments because otherwise, they would have controlled the high housing prices and thus the global real estate bubble would not have occurred. But they failed all the springs of control.
· Investment banks are responsible for having assumed a completely unacceptable risk levels.
· The rating agencies should not assess property at prices hardly sustainable in the near future, especially if the banks will lend long term.
· The author recommends reading the book by John Kenneth Galbraith, "The Economics of Innocent Fraud."
· says no we ask when will the end of the crisis but we have to fight it with all our energy and enthusiasm. can not wait until it clears. We have to work full time. must continue exporting, researching, innovating, investing, undertaking: making our dream of every day in a job well done because the end will come when we no longer know it. That is, the end of a recession is very similar to arrival: no one notices until it's above it. When no one talks about the crisis, we will begin to get out.

We just live in Spain, the longest economic expansion in our history, and pronunciation. Fourteen years uninterrupted growth. We few months of decline.

Information taken from the book of Trias de Bes
Franziska original photos


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