Monday, May 24, 2010

Buy Old Duncan Fearnley Magnum

small or invisible things

has left a cloud in the bed

has left a cloud on the bed. Hurry
been dismissed and he said: You forget. But
has left a cloud on the bed. I've wrapped with silk
and I said: Do not throw a fly, do not pursue.
(blue birds, red,
yellow, sip water from a cloud
which faces defaulting on their shoulders.)
Back home without
his entourage of birds will notice that the weather has changed
on the coast of your shoulders, that clouds have evaporated /
Then think that has left something: a cloud
my bed, and return to retrieve their rituals
queen a cloud .. .
I was happy for their defeat and has passed me a smile.
And when I got into bed to sleep
in the tropes, the water I was wet.


Monday, May 17, 2010

Gay Cruising In Vegas

The human custom of wrong love

About a vampire story that leads up to, a friend recommended the Swedish film ' Let me' ; I liked when I saw her will about a year, and I liked even more the revisit from a deeper perspective.

Oskar is a 12 years: your parents are separated, you're stuck at school, have problems with shyness, always alone. On the other hand we have Eli, a girl who just moved to the same block of apartments where you live Oskar sunlight hurts, it feels cold and survive on human blood, blood that gives a man who exercises 'father', and is engaged with little luck to kill her. This is the picture that shows the start of the film, a very well-told story of vampires in my view retrieves the classic horror of the undead, its inherent monstrosity, far from Anne Rice's tormented bloodsuckers and far of his new trainees, which even glow-a vampire who has more in common with "Carmilla" that current reviews of the myth.

Another thing is that what we really want to have the film, which is their central theme, not the horror or vampires, but love. That has a lot of scary, no doubt. " If you stay with me, I will die" (or something) is the phrase that leaves Eli Oskar written after the first night they sleep together, that night, the girl / vampire, with a last glance of love, it killed the man beside her (and we imagine will go with many years). But Eli is a monster, do not know if you feel pity, or affection or generosity, we assume that yes, but only because we see the naive eyes of Oskar, his love. Also because we as a network weaves implacable little bit about it, pushing the vampire will devour his life - no blood, "to subdue him until his death. My friend Oskar considered a fool, but I'm not very sure of it, if anything is too young and manageable, or too lonely. O blind, because before all the death and all the cruelty they have seen his eyes, which eventually flows from their hands - in the particular language that they communicate, "is the word kiss. To do that, or really very silly, or is it true that love is an act of endless forgiveness.