Saturday, October 24, 2009

Dogs Nose White Spots


cities like London, which will take the lead as a pioneer in the fight against climate change, "Copenhagen, Adelaide, Phoenix or Vancouver have already taken the initiative to reduce their emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2). A growing number of cities are taking measures to support renewable energy development.

The measures are, in some cases, pioneers and can grow with the increase of electric cars and installation on the vehicles fuel, smart meters. At home, the insulation of homes, buildings energy zero, and so on.

London heads and this challenge and aims to become a low carbon city. A municipal initiatives was the establishment of a Low Emission Zone which left outside the village to the most polluting vehicles.

Another recent measure incorporates ten districts in "low carbon zones". The city of London will invest approximately € 220,000 on each one to be made measures energy and reducing CO2 emissions. An estimated 13,000 homes, 1,000 shops and businesses, 20 schools, a hospital and several places of worship and community centers will benefit from this initiative.

The project includes grants for low income families to install thermal insulation systems or solar panels. Will be in place educational programs to explain to the neighbors how to reduce energy consumption or using smart meters.

Copenhagen will be the host city of the World Climate Summit, the successor to Kyoto, has announced its goal of becoming the first capital of the planet with "zero emissions "of CO2 in 2025. The wind energy development and use of electric cars and hydrogen are some of its assets.

But the port city of Frederikshavn -of only 25,000 inhabitants want to achieve, by 2015, being the first city based on renewable energy to 100%.

Sweden years has demonstrated their environmental awareness and several of its cities have undertaken ambitious plans environment. In VÄXJÖ -a town of 80,000 inhabitants have been proposed since the nineties, to abandon fossil fuels by 2050. Today, thanks to the exploitation of forests , 57% of its energy needs from renewable sources. The city of Växjö has reduced its CO2 emissions by 25% in the last ten years.

The Australian city of Adelaide aims to achieve "carbon neutrality" between 2020 and 2025.

In the city of Phoenix (Arizona) have announced their intention to become the first American town "carbon neutral." Those responsible will invest billion billion to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases by 70% within three or four years.

The Canadian city of Vancouver and the U.S. state of California have signed a collaboration agreement to create "zones of low-carbon economic development". It will encourage eco-efficient technologies to reduce CO2 emissions and increase the number of workers green.

population of Barcelona Sant Cugat del Vallés studying the possibility of creating the first residential community in Spain with a zero balance CO2 emissions.

In Asia also want to join these initiatives.

seems that this sleeping giant of the collective unconscious begin to wake up and realize that we no longer have any time to lose, you have to save what is left and, for the moment, we do not have another planet to migrate in the case that life became impossible here. Blessed are all initiatives that should have been implemented years ago.

Until you know the outcome of the World Climate Summit, in these pages of "two-headed turtle" we will only find information on everything that is being developed so that we can combat climate change. I think we all have an obligation to make our voices heard and to demand a remedy no more excuses: this fire is burning our survival as a species and that of all living things with us and have made possible, Over millions of years, the birth of countless human cultures and civilizations in all places on Earth.

And this to the appropriate parties. Gentlemen, when do you start with the main English cities?

Images taken from Internet
Alcalá de Henares, October 24, 2009

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Glandular Problems Symptoms


Since the name of Sheila Watt-Cloutier, to be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize 2007, jumped to all media, the limited data on their activities had been asleep the sleep of the just in my files. Today, on October 15, 2009, is the appointed day to participate online in THE BLOG ACTION DAY '09 on environmental protection and I think it's time to present at this modest blog to a great fighter.

SHEILA WATT-CLOUTIER raised in the tiny Inuit community on the southern coast of Ungava Bay, in the frozen north of Canada. Today is the representative elect of 150,000 inhabitants that make up the Inuit people scattered around the Arctic in Alaska, Canada, Greenland and Chukotka, Russia.

Along with the organization UNEP played an important role in the task of making the world's governments to agree the phasing of a "dozen dirty "persistent chemicals were contaminating his people. Are industrial toxins that can cause infertility, cancer and brain damage. Also undertook a campaign against global warming .

This is an edited transcript of testimony before Congress of the United States in September 2004:

" N you are on the verge of a turning point in the history of the planet. The Earth is melting and we all come together to address efficiently the problem of climate change.

While global warming affects the entire planet, there is scientific consensus that is impacting the Arctic much faster. Our elders have been experiencing these changes since the mid 70's. The relationship of Inuit with the environment remains strong, and many of us still rely on land and sea to sustain our families. Our elders and hunters have an intimate knowledge of land, sea and ice, and have observed disturbing changes in climate, environment and wildlife in the Arctic. These changes include:

1. permafrost melting
2. longer seasons without ice ocean
3. new species of birds and fish-owls, robins, pin-tailed ducks and salmon-invading the region.
4. invasions of mosquitoes and gnats
5. unpredictable sea ice conditions
6. Melting glaciers, creating torrents instead of streams.

Our observations are confirmed by a formal scientific assessment carried out by over 300 scientists and many indigenous inhabitants of the Arctic. The study concludes that it is very likely that our longstanding relationship with our hunting culture may disappear in the period of the life of my grandson. Climate change is happening first and fastest in the Arctic. My homeland is the health barometer for the planet. Looking at what is already happening in remote Inuit villages in Alaska (as in Shishmaref, near its eastern end, which literally being battered to the point that is falling into the sea) we reveal the future dangers for more populated areas Florida, Louisiana and California.

If we invest, time, emissions of pollutants that cause climate change to save the Arctic the most devastating impact of global warming, we can spare untold suffering for hundreds of millions people around the globe. The global warming unites us all. Use what is happening in the Arctic, the Inuit History "as a vehicle to restore the partnership between us, so we understand that the planet and its people are one. The Inuit hunter who falls through the unpredictable sea ice decline is linked to the cars we drive, the industries which rely upon, and the disposable world in which we have become.

Climate change is a matter of survival of humanity. It is the world's most pressing problem we face today. Protect the Arctic and save the planet! "

For those who are curious and want to complete a short resume of Sheila Watt-Cloutier, find online information on numerous occasions that have been awarded prizes and awards in recognition of his work. Because it is very outstanding and meritorious work of this tireless crusader on behalf of his people and for their survival and livelihoods are at stake: the Inuit can not go the stock market depend on the nature that is his store and his livelihood, "says Sheila, however, not just of the Inuit, the consequences to all ends up.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

What Is The Best Absorbed Oil


With the conviction that had taken place without my intervention, I tried to sidestep the issue that, on the other hand, for nothing could intervene and in which I played, as most of us suffer the sour or too bitter consequences. However, it was from my previous post on the "Decrease" when I began to consider that, at least, should try to clear up much confusion trying to understand how it was developed. I went to the reading of several books and for this reason I take the liberty to advise the reading of "The man who sold his house for a tulip Trias de Bes. I clarified many doubts.

test is a thorough and written in a simple and entertaining, and especially clear.
begins with the first crisis in the Netherlands. The business of the sale of tulip bulbs and how to run riot as they were speaking the bench contributions were granted loan guarantee was put in all the possessions of a family, etc., And is proving - to the astonishment of who is reading, that history repeats itself, with the same base: prices soaring, people who want to get rich, bankers who provide no real value on the basis that it will. And all, apparently, win until the catastrophe occurs.

says that we are facing a housing crisis, financial and economic. The three reached crisis separate dates and, therefore, also end up at different times. First are overcoming the financial crisis, then the related to the economy, and, finally, the real estate and construction, as the most serious, is the need of a healthy economy to return work.

· That we should not believe any of the forecasts made by politicians or institutions because, in economics , is absurd to make predictions.
· That price indices were controlled because housing was not part of the inflation rate. not understand why the house which goes from 20 to 60% of household income is not included in the calculation of inflation and why it does not take into account when measuring how to upload the cost of living. In my opinion, it seems that employers are not interested or governments because otherwise, they would have controlled the high housing prices and thus the global real estate bubble would not have occurred. But they failed all the springs of control.
· Investment banks are responsible for having assumed a completely unacceptable risk levels.
· The rating agencies should not assess property at prices hardly sustainable in the near future, especially if the banks will lend long term.
· The author recommends reading the book by John Kenneth Galbraith, "The Economics of Innocent Fraud."
· says no we ask when will the end of the crisis but we have to fight it with all our energy and enthusiasm. can not wait until it clears. We have to work full time. must continue exporting, researching, innovating, investing, undertaking: making our dream of every day in a job well done because the end will come when we no longer know it. That is, the end of a recession is very similar to arrival: no one notices until it's above it. When no one talks about the crisis, we will begin to get out.

We just live in Spain, the longest economic expansion in our history, and pronunciation. Fourteen years uninterrupted growth. We few months of decline.

Information taken from the book of Trias de Bes
Franziska original photos