Friday, November 27, 2009

Strawberry Bd Company

The empty jar is the most

"That speaks both are completely hollow, you know that the empty jug is the most sound TAGORE

The phrase is based on the folklore of all peoples. I do not know how many but it is sure to be sayings in English on the subject, is frowned quackery. And he is rightly pleased because it's not withstand the constant intervention of the chatterbox, a creature who is in possession of truth and wisdom. The curious thing about this is that talkative person not recognize itself as the bearer of such a defect. think you have an outgoing personality, which is communicative, who likes gatherings, which estimates the exchange of views and a long list of arguments.

This service, like everyone, makes its varieties. Of all the types of charlatans who know, to me the one I like is the funny. he never stops: one joke after another. Hours and hours may be exhibiting their skills. last laugh worldwide and is the true charlatan to endure all welcome.

The most difficult, in my opinion, is one that is iterative. have an argument, an opinion, a political idea, never more than one. It could spend hours with the same irrefutable argument. Take every opportunity to emphasize and relate any other topic, it is foolish to re-emphasize the strength of their explanations.

There is also the paradoxical talker. Always in the holy name of logic and philosophy, is fond of naming Socrates and Plato, and of course speak for them but of the wise men in the world have been, does not admit that their views can not be accepted by others. Interrupts worldwide, has absolutely no respect for their peers and not let anyone say more than a few words where it is present.

is the kind parrot, who does not know anything but talk about everything in a raging a landslide talk, unable to contain himself, destroys everything and is impossible to forget the sound of his shrill voice. hard can defend just as well as attack. to dream out loud!

is also which always has its sorrows, its diseases and terrible sadness. If you see every day, you repeat by active and passive much suffering, how bad it happens, that obnoxious is to live in a world so unfair and how many had been their sufferings. I have to count every day to not forget.

And there are of my ilk who see the speck in your neighbor's eye and for this reason have been allowed to talk about the other varieties of charlatans. We like to talk. The time stands still when we take the floor. Sometimes, we note that our victim wants to run away and apologize but we do not allow it. We say, yes, yes, only just a little something important. Half an hour later, our desperate listener does not know if you choose to kill us or run away and call for help to get rid of that last little thing we have to point out. The people are good and the next, rather opt for changing sidewalk and say, from a distance, which is in a hurry. And so, looking for a victim every day, we spend our lives regretting what this world is unsupportive. And we ended up talking alone because it is better to pass for madmen to be quiet.

Alcalá de Henares, November 25, 2009

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Can A Double Bed Fit In A Cargo Van

sounds Evolution of the solar panels

Within a few years, the rigid silicon wafers manufactured today can be replaced by other materials and new technologies, moreover, may apply in a variety of functions .

Silicon is the material used for manufacturing photovoltaic panels, but the price is expensive. What has led to research and development of a second generation that creates films much more flexible and thinner than their predecessors. Thus, several companies worldwide, are working in what experts call low-cost solar panels and using materials other than silicon microstructures called CIGS because use copper, indium, gallium and selenium, or CIS in the case of not including gallium. Other researchers have created technologies such as organic photovoltaic cells (OPV), organic plastics one capable of reacting to light.

The potential of these materials are huge but its efficiency is still lower than silicon but proponents say it's just a matter of time to overcome. Some experts estimate it could be cost-effective to overtake fossil fuels from 2015.

addition, researchers and companies around the world are working on the development of various technologies such as so-called quantum hollow, nanotubes carbon or titanium oxide nanostructures dye. With them is expected to create a painting that recubriría houses or roads to generate power, as well as dyes for all types of electronic equipment, textiles or solar cars.

Another generation of solar panels join nanoparticles with polymers to achieve more efficient and cheaper cells. The panel would be based on polymer nanoparticles that not only draw on the different types of light but also the infrared spectrum. NASA has used this multi-junction technology in their missions to Mars.

Some experts speak of advances in manufacturing cost-efficiency energy conversion because the cost would drop as well to compete with fossil fuels and nuclear energy.

The availability of renewable and clean energy are a reality toward which we move, so unstoppable, and this is a sure path to hope, but we must put all our energies on supporting governments that be willing to bet, definitely, on the development and implementation. can no longer continue to deny the facts. must be saved from this fire as much as possible and not make the mistake of continuing to seek new sources of fossil fuels and which apparently can be in the Arctic.

Alcalá de Henares, November 7, 2009


Data taken from an article published in

"CONSUMER EROSKI" by Alex Fernandez Muerza