Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Average Condo Heating Price Calgary

later age or the golden sunset


At first it seemed something that only happened to others. Then, we believed in good faith that never arrive because we die earlier. However, it is based, bears witness to every line of expression on the face appear long gray hair and the children have grown and left home to found a new home or to defend their independence. The reality is a hard fact to argue. Because change is slow enough time for acceptance and then the discovery that is simply another stage we do know understand and accept a number of advantages.


The first consequence is that logic is not the same but keep your visual acuity an active view. No having a hearing, nor the ear is one receptor organ sounds more delicate and subtle. There is also a decreased ability to grasp and remember new musical sounds. The memory, still operating normally, play any tricks. Happens, then we have already spent part of the capital that was given to us at birth and was developed in the early years. Before we were relentless, then we started to have to moderate our physical activities. And so on ...


But the key is to accept our reality. Afterwards, we discover that while the youth was very good either was a perfect stage because we were tied so many responsibilities and it involved many sacrifices. These ties that prevented the realization of our dreams at last fall and we are free. And confirmed what we always thought: Life can be a great source of satisfaction. Of course, we first have to defeat is the enemy of what people might say my children, my sons, my neighbors, my friends. It's time for pleasant walking, travel, learn what we always do illusions or now, also has the advantage that we will not distress the result. Set in motion all that we feel like singing, dancing, writing, painting, walking, hiking, playing Parcheesi, cards or boules. Make new friends, participate in humanitarian activities and endless possibilities. And all for the sheer pleasure of it and not fight for the money. I think a fantastic location. Of course I am a very lucky woman because I live in a country where we have freedoms and rights, plus a whole lot of options.


addition, the grandfathers and grandmothers, we have an invaluable social function: to our presence, we highlight the splendor of youth. If not for the comparison with the old, young compared to children, would be in a position of old age early youth and undervalued. Hence my slogan and insistent insistent: "Put a grandmother in her life." Let me explain. If you're getting up with her grandmother in the hall, you look in the mirror in the bathroom, you'll find that your skin is smooth, your eyes brighter, your mind more alert, your movements are more agile. In short, you're beautiful. The best cold cream is the presence of the grandmother. And all this miracle comes by comparison. For this reason alone, the grandparents we should be revered, respected and adored as are cows in India.


will conclude by highlighting that "never too late if that is good" because, in my opinion, the loneliness of old age means freedom. There is no social environment, parents, husband or children to blame for our lack of illusions. It's time to take what we do with what we have left to spend: the chance to go through that door that offers many possibilities for personal fulfillment because it gives us the opportunity to enjoy this precious gift we receive at birth : our free will.


Text and images made by Franziska

Alcalá de Henares, July 22, 2009

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Marriage Congratulations On Marriage

What the Chinese did not invent?

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"Back in childhood I knew that China was a country that was on the other side of Uruguay could get there if you had the patience to dig a deep well.

Then something learned from world history, but world history was, and remains, the history of Europe. The rest of the world lay, lay, in darkness. China too. Little or no know the past of a nation that invented almost everything.

Silk was born there five thousand years ago.

Before anyone discovered and cultivated Chinese tea.

were the first to extract salt from deep wells and oil and gas use in their kitchens and in their lamps.

They created iron plows and harvesters light transport, threshing and harvesters, two thousand years before the English mechanized agriculture.

invented the compass eleven hundred years before European ships began to use it.

thousand years before the Germans discovered that water mills were able to power their furnaces of iron and steel.

1900 years ago invented paper.

They printed books six centuries before Gutenberg, and two centuries before him used movable type in printing.

1200 years ago invented gunpowder and a century later the barrel.

hundred years ago who invented silk spinning machines with coils moved to pedal, the Italians copied to two centuries of backwardness.

also invented the wheel, the wheel, acupuncture, china, football, playing cards, the magic lantern, fireworks, kite, paper money, the mechanical clock, the seismograph, lacquer, phosphorescent paint, fishing reels, suspension bridge, the truck, umbrella, fan, stirrup, horseshoe, key, toothbrush and other trifles.

Text taken from the book "Mirrors" by Eduardo Galeano. "

I read with surprise and admiration because he did not recall more than four or five of inventions, fundamental to the development of mankind, we had the talent of the Chinese people.
I think they deserve our homage and admiration. I hope that next time, when I came across a Chinese citizen, be able to recall some of the inventions of its people and that this meeting will serve me to reflect on my ignorance and prejudice acquired odd.

Alcalá de Henares, July 4, 2009 Pictures of Franziska